Call for papers (scadenza 15 gennaio 2025): Workshop “Navigating the Atlantic Revolutions: Merchants, Bankers, and the Resilience of the Atlantic Economies, 1775-1825″. Rotterdam/Amsterdam

Call for Papers for a one-day workshop in Rotterdam/Amsterdam, entitled: “Navigating the Atlantic Revolutions: Merchants, Bankers, and the Resilience of the Atlantic Economies, 1775-1825.” It is nearly 70 years ago that Robert Palmer, Jacques Godechot, and Pieter Geyl formulated the Atlantic thesis as a conceptual framework for understanding the political and international crises […]
Call for papers (scadenza 1/10/24): ICREFH “Food Safety in Europe XIX-XXI centuries” (Parigi, 1-4 settembre 2025)

All’interno della newsletter della International Commission for Research into European Food History tutte le informazioni sulla call ICREFH Newsletter 45_March 2024