Call for papers (scadenza 15 gennaio 2025): Workshop “Navigating the Atlantic Revolutions: Merchants, Bankers, and the Resilience of the Atlantic Economies, 1775-1825″. Rotterdam/Amsterdam

Call for Papers for a one-day workshop in Rotterdam/Amsterdam, entitled: “Navigating the Atlantic Revolutions: Merchants, Bankers, and the Resilience of the Atlantic Economies, 1775-1825.” It is nearly 70 years ago that Robert Palmer, Jacques Godechot, and Pieter Geyl formulated the Atlantic thesis as a conceptual framework for understanding the political and international crises […]
Global Correspondent Banking 1870–2000. CALL FOR PAPERS International Conference on Cross-Border Payments in Historical Perspective 27-28 March 2025 | St Hilda’s College | University of Oxford

GloCoBank Conference 27-28 March 2025 CfP
Call for papers (scadenza 29 novembre 24): International Conference on Cross-Border Payments in Historical Perspective 27-28 March 2025 | St Hilda’s College | University of Oxford

Deadline for proposals: Friday 29th November 2024 International commerce has always relied on the ability to transfer funds across space and time but the evolution of the mechanics and strategies of cross-border payments remains somewhat murky. The main route for global payments in modern times has been through inter-bank relationships through which bank customers order […]
Call for papers (scadenza 20 settembre 2024): session at the International Medieval Congress 7-10 July 2025, University of Leeds: Waste, recyclables and value in Western Europe and the Mediterranean in the Late Middle Ages

Call for Papers International Medieval Congress 7-10 July 2025, University of Leeds Waste, recyclables and value in Western Europe and the Mediterranean in the Late Middle Ages Medieval industries (textiles, glass, paper, metal, leather, construction, etc.) produced a lot of waste, but also required a lot of disposable resources to fuel their systems. Since […]
Call for papers (scadenza 30/9/2024): La Méditerranée à l’épreuve de l’histoire environnementale (XVIe-XXIe siècle) – Nizza En juin 2025, la France accueillera à Nice la troisième Conférence des Nations Unies sur l’Océan, avec quelque 120 chefs d’État et de gouvernement, mais surtout des centaines de spécialistes et d’acteurs institutionnels et non-institutionnels. Ce temps de débat et de partage autour de l’avenir des océans est l’occasion pour la discipline historique […]
Call for papers (scadenza 15/10/24): Datini-ESTER Advanced Seminar for economic and social historians 11-17 maggio 2025, Prato: “Finance in history”

call_datini-ester-2025 The Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica “F. Datini” and the European School for Training in Economic and Social Historical Research (ESTER) announce their tenth jointly organized Datini-ESTER Advanced Seminar for economic and social historians on 11th-17th May 2025, in Prato (Italy). The topic of the seminar is: “Finance in history” ESTER, established in […]
Call for abstracts (scadenza 17 giugno 2024) : International Conference of Social Science and Tourism “Roots Tourism”, Rende (CS), Università della Calabria, 12-15 dicembre 2024

La Conferenza propone il tema del “Turismo delle Radici”, quale forma di viaggio e soggiorno rilevante per lo sviluppo economico, sociale e culturale, delle comunità che lo accolgono. Il “Turismo delle Radici” è fatto di persone emigrate e/o loro discendenti che viaggiano verso i propri luoghi d’origine. Valorizza e rafforza l’identità familiare, recupera, potenziandolo, il […]
Call for papers (scadenza 17/6/2024): International Conference of Social Science and Tourism Università della Calabria, Rende (CS) e Università Federico II, Napoli – 12-15 dicembre 2024

International Conference Roots Tourism Social Science and Tourism Identità di luogo, glocalizzazione, processi di sviluppo locale, host and guest, economia, lavoro e mercato, ricerca scientifica, buone e cattive pratiche International Conference of Social Science and Tourism Università della Calabria, Rende (CS) e Università Federico II, Napoli – 12-15 dicembre 2024 La Conferenza propone il […]
Call for papers (scadenza 30 dicembre 2024): Special Issue Revista de Historia Económica. “Banking, Credit and Financial Markets in Latin America”

RHE_JILAEH Call for Papers Special issu Banking LA The Revista de Historia Económica-Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History would like to invite you to submit a paper for a special issue on Banking, Credit, and Financial Markets in Latin America Special issue editors: Andrés Regalsky, IEH – UNTREF – Argentina, Cecilia Moreira, […]
Special issue CFP: Global / Oceanic / Nineteenth Century In November 2022, the Society for Global Nineteenth-Century Studies held a two-day international symposium on “The Global / Oceanic / Nineteenth Century.” Intentionally broad in scope, the symposium sought to cross-map nineteenth-century studies with key currents of the blue humanities, the Black and circum-Atlantic, Indian Ocean studies, oceanic ecologies, post- and decolonialism, maritime globalization, […]