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A Milano il Symposium 2017 dedicato al secondo dopoguerra organizzato da Civitas

Si terrà il 26 ottobre 2017 il CIVITAS  Symposium 2017 – Christian Democracy and Labour after World War  II. Il convegno si svolgerà a Milano ed è organizzato da Civitas, Istituto Giuseppe Toniolo di Studi Superiori, Archivio per la storia del movimento sociale cattolico in Italia.


Day One: Thursday, 26th October, 2017, room NI.110

02.00 p.m.      Welcome address:     Hanns Jürgen Küsters, President of Civitas

Aldo Carera, Director of Mario Romani Archive

Domenico Bodega, Dean of Economics Faculty, UCSC

02.30 p.m.      Introductory lesson: prof. Lorenzo Ornaghi, President of Aseri


03.00 p.m.       Session 1: Politics and Labour

Chair: Andrea Maria Locatelli, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan

Discussants: Guido Formigoni and Michael Gehler

03.15 p.m.       Gineth Andrea Álvarez Satizabal, Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City Development and Integration in the Origins of the CD Organization of America (ODCA). Answers to the Workers’ Concerns?

03.45 p.m.       Isabel Clavel, Université Bordeaux Montaigne, Pessac

The Role of the MRP within the parliamentary Committee on labour and social Insurance (1944-1958)

04.15 p.m.       Marcello Reggiani, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Pisa  

Carlo Donat-Cattin: from the ‘Miracle’ to the ‘hot Autumn’ (1958-1972)

04.45 p.m.      discussion

05.15 p.m.      coffee break


05.30 p.m.       Session 2: CD and social changes

Chair: Marco Angelo Emanuele, Link Campus University, Rome

Discussants: Piotr Kosicki

05.45 p.m.       Paco Martino Ruzzante, University of Cambridge, Cambridge

Transnational Influence on the Welfare Systems of Italy and Spain (1945-1960s)

06.15 p.m.       Marta Busani, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan

Young Christian Workers, World of Work and Democracy. Some Reflections on the Sixties in Italy


06.45 p.m.       Guido Panvini, Università Luiss, Rome

The ‘young Christian Workers’ Movement’ and the Radicalization of social Conflict in Mediterranean Europe (1962-1968)

07.15 p.m.      plenary discussion

08.00 p.m.      dinner


Day Two: Friday, 27th October, 2017, room NI.110

09.00 a.m.       Session 3: Christian workers and trade unions

Chair: Renato Moro

Discussants: Paolo Acanfora

09.15 a.m.       James Thwaites, Université Laval, Québec

Christian Clergy and the labour Movement: some international Cases

09.45 a.m.       Pierre Tilly, Catholic University of Leuven, Leuven

The Concept of Workers’ Control and Self-management in Belgian Worker Movement during the Seventies and the public Figure of André Oleffe

10.15 a.m.       Paolo Tedeschi, University of Milan Bicocca, Milan  

Searching better work Conditions and a new Workers’ Role in the Italian Industry: the FIM during the Fifties and Sixties in the Eastern Lombardy

10.45 p.m.       Gianpiero Fumi, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan

Social Catholicism and economic Development. The Quest of occupational education Policies and on-the-job Training during the Italian ‘economic Miracle’

11.15 a.m.      discussion

12.00 a.m.      lunch 

01.15 p.m.       Session 4: Enterprises and human resources

Chair: Sebastiano Nerozzi

Discussants: Jan De Maeyer

01.30 p.m.       Peter Heyrman, KADOC-KU Leuven, Leuven

Christian-democrats and the ‘independent Workers’ in Belgium. Securing a Place for small and medium-sized Enterprises in the postwar Welfare State, 1945-1970

02.00 p.m.       Anna Pina Paladini, University of Salento, Lecce

The CD Party and the Policies for Craftsmen in Italy during the Fifties of XX Century

02.30 p.m.      discussion and conclusion

03.30 p.m.      end of the Civitas Symposium

Together with Civitas annual workshop, a doctoral seminar is scheduled in the morning of 26th October 2017, room NI.110 (Via Nirone 15, Milano), at 9.00 a.m. – 12.30 p.m.