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Roma 13-14 ottobre: un workshop su “Divergence and living standards” nel Mediterraneo

In evidenza il programma del workshop dal titolo “Divergence and living standards in the mediterranean basin” che si terrà il possimo 13 e 14 Ottobre presso la facoltà di Economia della Sapienza, Università di Roma.

Friday 13th October

9:00 Registration

9:30 Welcome address

9:45 Keynote speech


Giovanni Federico (University of Pisa)

Measuring long term economic growth with scarce

data: wages and GDP

11:00 Coffee break


11:30 Session 1

  1. E. Felice (University of Chieti-Pescara),
  2. J. L. Van Zanden (University of Utrecht)

Benchmarking the Middle Ages. XV century

Tuscany in European Perspective

  1. W. Jongman (University of Groningen)

Mediterranean living standards in the very long

run: ancient Rome

  1. J.J. García Gómez (University of Almería),
  2. V. Luque de Haro (University of Almeria)

New approach to mortality and inequality in the

Spanish Mediterranean

13:00 Lunch


14:30 Session 2

  1. G. Federico (University of Pisa), A. Nuvolari

(Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies – Pisa),

  1. M. Vasta (University of Siena)

The Origins of the Italian Regional Divide:

Evidence from Real Wages, 1861-1913

  1. F. Sbrana (University of Rome 3)

Dualism between North and South in the

Republican Italy (1946-1994)

15:30 coffee break


16:00 Session 3

  1. S. Bartoletto (University of Naples- Parthenope)

Divergences in energy consumption in the

Mediterranean countries

  1. M. Rota (Sapienza University of Rome),
  2. J. N. Weisdorf (University of Southern Denmark)

Great Divergence or Great Resemblance?

The Real Wages of Roman Workers in a

European Perspective


Saturday 14th October

9:30 Session 4

  1. N. Palma (University of Manchester),
  2. J. Reis (University of Lisbon)

From convergence to divergence: Portuguese

demography and economic growth, 1500-1850

  1. M. González Agudo (University of British

Columbia) Prices in Toledo (Spain), 1521-1650)

10:30 Coffee break


11:00 Session 5

  1. M. Gomez Leon (University of Groningen),
  2. H. de Jong (University of Groningen)

Distribution Dynamics in Turbulent Times: Income

inequality in Europe, 1900-1950

  1. S. Nikolic (University of Groningen)

Wages, Prices and Standards of Living in Eastern

Europe, 1914 – 1945


12:00 End of the workshop

Sala delle Lauree, second floor,

Palazzina della Presidenza

Faculty of Economics,

via del Castro Laurenziano 9 – Rome

Contact: Mauro Rota tel.0649766385; e-mail: mauro.rota@uniroma1.it